Anti-Tamper Screws For ModulSignal 50mm Light And Sound Modules
Are the set screws for securing the modulSignal 50mm and 70mm lights included with the modules? What screws are need to secure the modules from tampering in the field?
No screws are provided because the 50mm or 70mm modules just need to be twisted together and the modules will lock into place. Using screws to lock the modules together is not required.
However, there is a provision (hole) on the 50mm modules (not the 70mm) for screws (customer supplied) to be installed to prevent tampering. This will provide added security, thus making it more difficult to take the modules apart in the field.
These screws are not provided with the 50mm modules, but can be ordered (in bags of 5) as part number 700 000 900. The size of these set screws is M2 x 6mm long. They are made of A2 Stainless Steel and coated against corrosion.
Customers may also install their own screws. The screw hole in the module is 3mm and the screws fit into the threaded brass insert that has a M2 x 6mm tapped hole in them.
There is no way to modify the 70mm modules in the field to have this same option.
For additional information please contact your nearest authorized distributor, sales representative, or call our customer service or technical support lines.

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